Green Floor Care

Carpet Repair & Re-stretching

Carpet Repair & Re-stretching

Carpet Repair & Re-stretching in Orange County, California

Before buying a new carpet or throwing out your old one, consider a third alternative: carpet repair and re-stretching. When you buy a new carpet, it has a excellent feel to it. It is still soft as well clean. Its fibers hold together well. It has that ‘puffy’ character. The fibers spring back to their original position once you lift you foot off them. The carpet literally beckons you to walk on it. However, after a while the strands of fibres become frayed. Some parts of the carpet become damaged while moving around furniture and other heavy items. If a carpet is well trodden on, it simply becomes lifeless and dull.
It loses its shine and looks more like a rag than a carpet. The worst part is that a carpet gets damaged relatively fast and easily. Such a carpet makes the entire place appear gloomy and unkempt. It is quite expensive to replace carpets – they cost thousands of dollars to replace. It is not financially possible for anybody to spend thousands of dollars per year to replace damaged and soiled carpets. This is when we come to the rescue. Our carpet repairing and rest retching procedures are designed to make your carpets look brand new once again.